Take a seat for majestic view of North York Moors

PIC: James HardistyPIC: James Hardisty
PIC: James Hardisty
In the few months since being installed at one of the most dramatic locations on the North York Moors, the near 10ft-high Seated Man bronze sculpture has split opinion, drawing praise, criticism and even waggish comparisons to it supposedly bearing a close resemblance to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

The work by artist Sean Henry can be found off Blakey Road, between Hutton-le-Hole and Castleton, on Castleton Rigg above Westerdale, and has been towering above the local landscape since being put in position in June.

The Seated Man sculpture is the first public sculpture to be placed within the North York Moors National Park and it is intended that it will stay on the hillside for five years.

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