Will it be a White Christmas in Leeds?

Snow at Roundhay Park in Leeds. Pictured dog walker Wendy Holehan braves the weather.
21st January 2015.
Picture Jonathan Gawthorpe.Snow at Roundhay Park in Leeds. Pictured dog walker Wendy Holehan braves the weather.
21st January 2015.
Picture Jonathan Gawthorpe.
Snow at Roundhay Park in Leeds. Pictured dog walker Wendy Holehan braves the weather. 21st January 2015. Picture Jonathan Gawthorpe.
A White Christmas is a rare sight around here '“ the stuff of Hollywood romcoms rather than Yorkshire's own festive celebrations.

But we can wait in hope as the last couple of days before the big day set in.

So are snowflakes likely to fall on December 25?

It’s not so farfetched.