Everything you need to know about 'best before' and 'use by' dates - and the foods which spoil fastest

Let's face it - every one of us has eaten something from our fridge which was several days past its 'best before' date and lived to tell the tale.

Making the most of the food you have at home is more important during lockdown than ever before, and many are wondering just how far they can stretch their groceries.

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Yet, while some foods are fine to eat past recommended dates, others can be dangerous if expiry dates are ignored.

Here's your complete guide on when to use your best judgement, and when to stick to recommended dates.

'Best before' and 'use by' mean different things

'Use by' dates on packaging are printed for safety reasons, and you'll often see meat products labelled with them.

You can eat foods up to the use by date, but not after. They could cause you harm, even if they look or smell fine.