The Campaign for Pubs launches to boost landlords, trades and customers

A new national grassroots campaign for pubs has been launched with a clear mission statement to promote, support and protect pubs as well as being a real voice for inns and all who love and value them.

The Campaign for Pubs - on Twitter @campaignforpubs - has been established by a group of prominent licensees, leading pub campaigners, small brewers and pub lovers including academics, musicians and actors.

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The Campaign for Pubs is a mass membership group open to all who love and care about pubs and, unlike any other sector organisation, it unites publicans, pub campaigners, customers and suppliers, including some of the UK’s leading smaller brewers.

The Campaign for Pubs exists to provide a #realvoiceforpubs and to campaign for a better, freer and fairer, more sustainable pub sector.

The Campaign wishes to see more pubs in the hands of those who genuinely care about them, thus seeing them better placed to serve the needs of local communities and with better protection against cynical closure and predatory property development.

Members will become part of a national network of those who care about pubs and their future, and their subscription will fund campaigning work on key issues.

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The Campaign for Pubs has been formed partly in response to the need for a powerful voice for thousands of pubs facing threat due to the enforced closures resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak.